Replace allergy-causing flours
Wheat flour generates allergies, is more inflammatory and contains more calories.
Vixim Flour is gluten free, easy digestion, less inflammatory and less allergies.
Our ingredients in Vixim flour are applicable to a wide variety of foods, particularly baked goods. They are gluten free and Non GMO, 100% natural.
For better digestion, less allergies, and less inflammation. With a low glycemic index.
Fiber with pungency, taste, and color. Vixim fiber partial pepper substitute in your condiments and seasonings.
Preserves the rich flavor of your products, reduce sodium levels, and get cost benefits.
Know the delicious taste of Vixim Germ and its pairing.
Combine with cocoa, hazelnut, walnut, almond, peanut, amaranth, sesame seeds, and pine nuts.
Delight your customers with new flavor and aroma profiles.
To know more, get to know our products.